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Content Marketing Blog: How to Implement it in your Company

Content Marketing Blog: How to Implement it in your Company

Content Marketing Blog

Value content has become almost mandatory for those companies that want to achieve more goals and provide better service to their customers. Its importance is that 66% of B2B marketers using blogs generate more leads. And organizations that blog receive 55% more visitors to their websites.

Today, consumers are no longer satisfied with just knowing about the existence of a product or service. Today, they have the necessary tools to find all the information they need to research a brand before purchasing.

However, just as they are demanding in the information they expect to receive, they are also demanding how a company or brand will provide it to them. Therefore, you must know what the best strategy to achieve it is. It includes blog posts and a whole content structure that is useful for consumers’ day-to-day life and adapts to their requirements.

Implement a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

The most outstanding standard components of the content marketing plan are social media, blogging, visual content, and premium content material such as tools, ebooks, or webinars.

Situation 1:

You track an accounting firm specializing in taxes; however, this year, business is not doing well. Your purpose is to improve next year. Consequently, you agree to launch a blog on your website and publish articles happening the most common tax problems your target customer faces. You write a few posts a week, and over time these articles start to rank on Google and other search engines.

As tax-filing season approaches and people are looking to answer their questions, they find your blog articles and discover that you offer tax preparation services. Those who will follow their preparation process but they resolve take you into account for the following year. However, others will give up, decide to get rid of the headache of filing taxes and hire you because you are more prepared to do it Process.

Situation 2:

You are the director of marketing for an agency that specializes in small business design solutions. You have a hard time attracting clients because maintaining a retention agreement with an agency is challenging for a small business. So you decide to create some design tools that people can use to make their creations.

You do keyword research and find that 2,000 people search for the phrase “infographic generator” every month; So you decide to create a generator that people can use aimed at free the early time and then, if they like the tool, they can develop more infographics at no additional cost, just by giving you their name and email speech.

You make a couple of example infographics. And share them on your social networks so that users can understand the potential of the instrument. Through the traffic generated by social networks and organic search. You begin to perceive that hundreds of people use your generator per month. Some are fascinated finished the tool and provide you with their name and email to continue through it. When you become their information, you identify which people would be compatible with your Company, keep in contact with them and follow up on them pending customers.

Why Do Companies Essential a Content Marketing Strategy?

1. Generate leads in a Sustained way

Content marketing may seem like a lot of work to you, especially when compared to other marketing plans that offer immediate rewards, such as list-buying, pay-per-click (PPC), or trade show marketing, where you get names. And email addresses in just a few moments.

However, it is proven that content marketing generates three times more leads than traditional strategies, and 72% of companies consider it an effective method of increasing leads.

In other words, the content marketing plan prepares companies to have a predictable, scalable and efficient flow of leads.

2. It is a Less Expensive Long-Term Strategy

Hiring specialists who will bring your content strategy to life may seem expensive. Still, in a world where consumers review four to five pieces of content before contacting a seller, it is an essential investment.

98% of marketers believe that content marketing performance is worth the investment. Overall, lead generation can become six times less expensive.

3. Increase Brand Recognition

When you offer real worth to your audience: you listen to them. You are aware of what they need to solve their pain points, and you give them the information they need, your brand becomes relevant. Brand recognition is not something tangible or measurable in concrete terms. But it makes some brands transcend, which is the first choice of consumers.

Content marketing is an opportunity to increase your’s brand recognition with a varied and timely content offer, coupled with strategies such as branded content, email marketing and even correctly targeted outbound strategies.

4. It is The Entrance to an Inbound Strategy

Content marketing can be the door to an inbound strategy that revolutionizes the way you see your business and marketing in general. A well-organized content strategy will lead you to see that customers are the centre of your Company. And that it is not enough to want to sell them a product at all costs. Instead, it would be best if you listened to them to come to you of their own free will. That they have valuable interactions with your brand for their daily life. And that you accompany them beyond the moment of purchase.

It will not only lead you to generate more leads, increase your brand recognition or position yourself in a market. But it will also make your business grow in the best way and last.


A Beginner’s Guide To Wordmark Logo: What Is It And Why You Should Take It Seriously

Wordmark Logo

Wordmark logo is one of the most famous logo styles that are a favorite of many world companies. It is because these logos are simple and communicate the brand message most effectively. Today 80% of the companies of the world are now using the wordmark logo for their business.

A wordmark logo style only comprises your company name in a lettering format. It does not include any monograms, symbols, emblems, or mascots. You can select these logo styles to develop your brand image and identity in the right direction. As a result, you can communicate your brand message most effectively.

Benefits Of Using The Wordmark Logo   

Multiple benefits are there for using the wordmark logo for your business to promote your brand. But, first, let’s identify its advantages in a detailed manner.

1. Your Brand Will Be Known To More People 

More people will know your brand name, and they can remember your brand as it is easy to recognize. It can help you to accelerate your business process to the next level. You can achieve your branding objectives quickly as more people will know your brand in a limited period just by putting in some small effort.

2. It Works On Every Platform 

The best thing about the wordmark logo is that it can adjust itself on every platform. You do not have to edit much to fit the logo on your banner or your website. You can select any one of the platforms of your choice to place this logo without bothering about the size and font style. For your effective branding technique, it is the best solution.

3. They Are Cost-Efficient 

In the wordmark logo design, you have to provide less stress on your cost and time as there are no pictographic representations of your logo that you need to take care of. As a result, you can save your money and time to a great extent to help you achieve your business goals in the correct order.

4. You Can Easily Create Unique Designs

You can create unique designs by following your brand name in the letter format. You have to ideate the factors in the right way to achieve your business goals in the best possible manner. The degree of stress is less, and the scope of your brand promotion is more for your business.

5. Ensures Timeless Logo   

Your logo will become a timeless identity for your brand once you use this logo style. You have to ensure that you have made the proper selection of the logo designing company that can provide you the brand identity which will remain immortal in the mind of your target audience. You have to encash this opportunity for developing your brand image in the long run.

6. Gives Strong Brand Recognition 

Your brand will be recognized easily in the world. Wordmark logos are devoid of complexities and promote simplicity in your branding process. You can use these options to make your brand immortal in the mind of your target audience. It will help you to connect with your target audience in a short period without any room for error or confusion.

7, Easy To Understand   

The best thing about wordmark logos is anyone can understand your brand message clearly. It is easy to understand and follow. As a result, the room for complexity is less, and chances for transparency are more. However, you cannot make things happen in your favor unless you opt for the correct method to achieve it.

Wrapping It Up

These are some of the core factors that help your business move forward and provide the best logo recognition when using the wordmark logo for your business. Let me convey to you the world’s most successful brands like Cocacola, FedEx, Disney, and other big brands whose names you can recollect have used the Wordmark logo for their business promotion.

How to Deliver Bad News. The Five Techniques that Work Best


Today we will see five methods that will serve us, not only for our professional activity but in any situation of our life. Because today we are going to learn how to deliver bad news.

As entrepreneurs (and as people), sooner or later, we will be forced to give this bad news. To clients, to partners… no one escapes. It is impossible to be free from mistakes and negative consequences. However, although we cannot avoid bad news, if we rely on knowledge about persuasion and perception, we can cushion the impact of these situations as much as possible.

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Negative Effect

On many occasions, we have to bear in mind that a news item’s true negative effect is given by the recipient’s meaning to the news. And that effect can be influenced by way of communicating it.

I have experienced significant variations in the reaction to bad news depending on the expertise in transmitting it from experience. Communication and persuasion have always interested me, and, therefore, we are going to see what has worked best for me personally. As we will see, we can greatly vary the interpretation and the impact that this bad news will have on the other.

The main tools to achieve this are these five techniques.

1. The Choice of Language

Those are the words chosen to describe the situation and communicate the bad news. Although there is no way to make something that is bittersweet, we can try not to perceive it as too bitter.

Language shapes the world, and it does so much more than we think. Despite how mistreated he is in these times and the reduction in vocabulary that has occurred, the reality remain that words trigger emotional associations and an assessment of the situation in the listener’s mind. In other words, language has much more power than we think.


I remember the days as a business consultant for a large company. With us, there was a computer scientist who was a genius, one of those who left you with your mouth open to solve unsolvable problems with computers. But when communicating bad news and talking to clients, he used too direct and inflammatory language.

He freely used words such as disaster, final, deadly, useless. he even used terms such as “murderer” and other less educated ones that it stay not a matter of repeating but surely he imagines. And he did it almost always in everything.

From time to time, someone from the company would come to where I was, alarmed by comments such as that their computer systems were “worthless” or that what they had implanted before we arrived was a “hoax” and a ” complete disaster”.

2. When Possible, do not Just Bring the Bad News

As far as possible, before going to give the bad news, we should also come up with a solution, or at least with an idea of ​​what is the next step to take to correct the situation. Thus, there are two things to focus on in that conversation. If we go with a certain solution under our arm, we can concentrate on that, trying to divert most of the discussion towards the fix.

When you have a problem, you want to fix it and hold on to a burning nail if necessary.

If we not only break the news but also offer that “something” to start holding onto, we are more likely to want to jump to focus on the most constructive part, instead of turning around the inconvenience, making it grow in their mind and focus on the blame game to discharge emotional energy.

3. Try to Refocus the News in other Terms if Possible

From my own experience, assessing a situation depends mainly on what we pay more attention to. That is why he spoke of bringing the solution and putting the focus on it. Another way is to try to refocus what has happened in kinder terms, again if possible.

Remember that almost everything is an interpretation.

In the previous example of taxes, a situation stay negatively valued because we focus on the fact that you have to “pay” to the treasury. Meanwhile, another esteems ​​it positively because he focuses on the fact that this happens. After all, “there are benefits.” You don’t get caught up in the payment part; instead, the focus is on the positives.

Both facts, that you have to pay and that there are benefits, are true and are global situation elements. One of the other depends on looking at that situation from one perspective or another.

Deciding which one to focus on stay what determines in large part whether the global situation remain interpreted as more positive or negative. Therefore, if we have time, we must try to find a reinterpretation of what happened that illuminates more positive aspects.

For example

Recently, a friend didn’t have much luck turning down a job she so badly wanted. Although she gave me the bad news, I tried to refocus it in another way. This friend had dared to do something that the vast majority will never do, which is to leave the security of a good position to pursue what they want to do. Also, a rejection is just a sign that we are moving towards yes. What happens is that very few people realize that. I am used to the sales sector and its nature. These sales are a lot like finding a job, and you have to endure many no’s until you get to yes, so no’s are natural and necessary… Veteran salespeople know that sales are not a part of everyday life and are moving in the right direction. They know that 10 or 20 negatives are necessary before getting something positive, so they naturalize it because they understand that sales (or finding a job and much more in life) are a numbers game.

4. Don’t Offer Resistance if we have Something to do with the Bad News

If we do not come up with a solution under our arm, or there is no way to find one, then the golden rule for not making things worse is never to confront. Let the other take out everything they have inside and endure the downpour as it may, but quietly and without defending or attacking.

If our part is responsible for what has happened, denying it and making excuses only makes things worse and produces frustration for the other party.

When I have explained to my clients the best way to handle complaints, I have always emphasized that we cannot override listening and emotional discharge.

5. Focus on the Least Bad

David Lieberman, a doctor of philosophy and expert in psychology and persuasion, recommends focusing on highlighting. That the bad situation remain as temporary, isolated and insignificant as possible.

We must highlight those characteristics whenever we can because those three things are precisely. The antidote to our mind’s worst fears when faced with bad news.

Much serious bad news remain not temporary, isolated or insignificant. Still, if there is something in it, we must include it and highlight it in our communication.

When I have had to deal with sensitive topics, I always remembered “temporary, isolated and insignificant”. I tried to find something in the situation that had these characteristics to comment on it.

Anyway, even applying all this, let’s not kid ourselves. Giving bad news is like swallowing a rough toad on an empty stomach. But these five techniques effectively temper the blow.


Top 5 Virtual business address providers 2021.

Virtual Business address

Virtual business address and virtual offices are very useful services for new startups and small businesses in 2021. The pandemic and lockdown have already confined people to their homes and remote working. In such testing times, it is unwise to burden yourself with the overhead cost of a rental lease for an office.

The need of the hour is to go with the times and set up your virtual address for llc . With the amazing service providers, managing your business is literally in the palm of your hand.

Enough with the convincing, let’s move onto the choosing part. The obvious question is which service to choose from. We have analyzed the top service providers for you for better selection.

How to evaluate virtual business address providers:

Before digging into the services these companies provide, it is very important to understand what you are looking for? And what suits your business best?

When you know the answer to these questions, picking one company will be easier for you. Look for the following in the companies to pick the suitable one:

Price: most of the companies are very straightforward about this. They have a list of services on their website. There is a wide range of options based on the price, ranging from 35$ to 200$. Some companies offer additional services for an extra price. Make sure you have complete knowledge of the price list of the services your selected package offers.

Phone number: many companies offer local phone numbers as well. It is a very good option if you are branching out to different places.

Business addresses: these companies have offices listed in multiple states and many countries. The addresses given include the complete address like the suite number, area code, etc.

Receptionist: the company you pick must offer receptionist services, where calls are answered and messages are noted. Some companies also give you the facility of an automated answering machine or voice mail.

Meeting Rooms and conference areas: many companies not just give you business addresses they also give you serviced meeting rooms and conference rooms for a limited period, on rent.

Extra services: many of the virtual office providers give extra services on a need basis on rent. These services include internet, audio-visual equipment, catering for meetings, etc.

Top 5 virtual business address providers:

1. DaVinci virtual office solutions:

It is a very popular provider that dominates the market with more than 1500 distinguished locations, in over 50 countries. It can help you create that impressive business footprint that you want in new regions. Every Davinci location uniformly provides high-end conference rooms, presentation tools, and receptionist services.

But it doesn’t end at that. You can also get the following services:

  • Mail receiving and forwarding.
  • Lobby directory listing.
  • Catering.
  • High-speed internet availability.
  • Day offices.
  • Lobby greeter.
  • Support center.
  • Registered agent and license display
  • Live web chat.
  • Receptionist services, both live and automated.

All this comes at a very cheap monthly price. The price starts from as low as $49 per month. However, it may differ from region to region. The best way is to visit the website and enter the zip code to get the price accordingly.

Davinci has no setup fee and it doesn’t charge you for standard services like receptionist, etc.

2. Alliance virtual offices:

The distinguishing feature of Alliance virtual offices is that it gives more services at a flat rate than any other provider. In these terms, you get the best value for money. It also starts as low as $49 per month. But to get exact rates you need to set your location. Different cities have different prices.

Alliance has more than 1100 locations in more than 40 countries.

You get the following services in their standard plan:

  • Distinguished virtual business address.
  • Live receptionist.
  • Mail handling including forwarding and receiving.
  • A toll-free number
  • Private offices.

Allied offices:

Allied offices are the truest to the concept of a virtual office. You can manage your whole business through your smartphone. You can use the Allied mobile app, to make phone calls, phone routing, business SMS, business e-faxing.

Allied offices provide the following services:

  • Meeting rooms.
  • Copying and printing services.
  • LCD TVs.
  • Live and automated receptionist services based in the US. This is available in your time zone, on weekends, and even after hours.
  • Account manager.
  • Appointment booking.

It offers three-tier pricing and is for locations in the US and Canada. The price starts from $44 but to be sure you have to look for your city, as different cities have different prices. It is best if you are always on the go and handle most of your business on the phone.


If there is a solution ideal for remote working teams, then it is SOCOCO. It is more like a workspace where you can interact with the team to take the edge off of the loneliness in remote working. It is a very flexible solution and you can easily integrate it with Zoom, Webex, and Google Hangouts, for video chatting.

SOCOCO takes virtual meetings to another level, as you can see the whole team in the virtual conference room and office workspace. You are also given  300 minutes of voice and video every month.

Some of the other features you get with SOCOCO are:

  • Choosing office decor and office plan.
  • Instant collaboration “knock on the door”.
  • Document sharing.
  • Real-time office management.
  • Mobile apps, both iOS, and Android.
  • In-app chatting.
  • Sharable meeting links for guests.
  • Video conferencing.
  • Concurrent, multiple screen sharing.

The pricing is simple, you have to pay a cost per seat, monthly or annually.

5. Office evolution:

Office evolution is a very diversified virtual office solution. It is perfect for small businesses, CPAs, financial planners, consultants, daily collaborators, and startups. You get conference rooms and meeting rooms for office work or meetings with clients.

But office evolution also understands the needs of small businesses. That is why it offers you physical services like using Wifi, making copies, or using a workspace to finish tasks, etc. and you can drop by anytime, unannounced for these.

Services include:

  • Personal mailbox, locked for privacy.
  • Business address.
  • 24/7 workspace access.
  • Private office.
  • Nationwide access.

They offer two different price plans suiting different business requirements.

What is Investigation Project? And its Uses?

What is Investigation Project? And its Uses?

Investigation Project

The research project remain a document written as a guide or plans to carry out research work. Explain in an orderly way what the research problem stay, what is known about the topic, the possible solutions, and how the activities or experiments will remain carried out to solve the problem.

The research project includes identifying the problem, the research objectives, the key concepts that will remain used, and the description of the methodology to stay applied.

Doing the research project remain prepared to enter fully into the Research. The different stages that have to stay developed to cover the investigative process and how long they should take remain shown.

The research project also demonstrates that the research area is carried out remain mastered and that, thanks to this, we can answer the question that originated the search. It also opens the opportunity for other people to evaluate the project and determine if it stay possible or not.

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Parts of a Research Project

Research projects generally have rules and structures defined by the institution or university where the Research will remain carried out. However, most research projects have the following parts:

Research Title

The is the first window a reader sees on the research project. It expresses in abbreviated form the problem to remain investigated. It has to be precise and related to the objective of the investigation.

For example, if an investigation remain carried out on the use of seawater to irrigate crops, it could be titled “Seawater as an alternative for irrigating home plants.”


It presents a synthesis where, in a few pages, you can read the general aspects of the research topic, the objective, and the methodology to remain applied. This helps the reader get an idea of ​​the Research we intend to carry out, which will stay better detailed in the following parts.

Research Objectives

They are the actions that restrict what the investigation will be. Some projects have general objectives and specific objectives. For example: determine the viability of plants irrigated with seawater.

Importance and Justification of the Research

They are all reasons why this Research should remain done.

For example, if seawater could be used to water plants, we could solve the drought problem in many countries. Besides, seawater could remain used, which is much more abundant on the planet than freshwater.

Theoretical Framework

It presents the theoretical foundations and the definitions necessary to approach the investigation. It covers everything that has been done that supports the resolution of the research problem.

The theoretical framework includes the key concepts to understand the work, the variables and indicators that will stay handled, and the hypotheses or assumptions that have to explain the problem.

For example, in the study of seawater as an irrigation alternative, information on the availability of water on the planet, why droughts have increased if there are other similar investigations, and their conclusions should remain presented in the theoretical framework.

Methodological Framework

It is the part of the research project where the methods and techniques that will serve to achieve the research objectives are shown. Here are presented the type of research that will stay carried out, how the problem will remain tackled, where the study will remain done, and how many experiments will stay done. It also shows what methods or techniques will be needed and what will remain measured

Another important part of the methodological framework is how the results will remain presented and how the data will be analyzed.

Execution Plan

It is the schedule of activities that have to remain carried out to meet the investigation’s objectives. It is usually presented as a table like the following:

Study Budget

It presents the expenses that remain needed to stand able to carry out the research work. This includes the people required to do the job, the materials and instruments, the trips or trips that have to remain done, and the services that have to stay contracted. This applies in specific cases of projects that institutions will finance.


All the complementary information that is not critical to understanding the project can be classified within the annexes. For example, you could put the chemical composition of different waters, photos of the beach where the seawater samples were taken.


List the books, articles, magazines, and other sources of information to complete the written work.

How to do a Research Project in 9 Steps

1. Research the Topic of Your Interest

The first step in an investigation is to review a topic that interests us. For example, if someone remain interested in plants, they will like to read about botany or plant biology.

2. Define the Problem of Your Research

Any investigation begins when a problem remain detected. For example, there are restrictions on the water supply in some parts near the coast, affecting crops. However, the sea is close, and there is plenty of saltwater available. The problem arises: can seawater remain used to water plants?

3. Create the Objectives

Knowing what the problem we are facing is, we must establish the action or actions that will help us to resolve the situation. In this way, by outlining the objectives, we are delimiting all possible activities and concentrating on what we can achieve.

For example, to determine if seawater can remain used to water plants, possible goals would stand :

Determine the effect of seawater on some plants.

Determine what type of plants thrive with seawater irrigation.

Compare the growth of plants watered with seawater and with fresh water.

4. Develop the Theoretical Framework

Collect information that helps us understand the subject and not repeat what other researchers have already shown. We can look for information on the Internet, in libraries, interviewing people who have experience in the subject and any other means to help us.

For example, to solve irrigating crops with seawater, we must put together a theoretical framework. It remain discussed how the plants that live by the sea survive and the seawater’s composition. It also shows if other Research has already remain done using seawater.

5. State your Hypothesis

A key step of the project is to explain or propose solutions based on prior knowledge and what we hope to obtain from the Research. In seawater and plants’ investigation, the possible hypotheses would be: If there are islands in the middle of the sea whose vegetation survives, possibly these plants obtain their water from the sea.

6. Determine the Activities to Stand Carried Out

We have to list the activities that must be carried out until the investigation remain completed. This will help us to specify what we can do, and the time we have available.

The possible activities for the investigation of seawater and plants would be:

Design the experiments.

Selection of plants.

Collection of seawater samples.

Sow the plants and water them with seawater.

Use plants watered with normal water as a control.

7. Project a Schedule of Activities

Knowing what activities will remain done makes it easier to plan when they stay going to stand done. For example:

  • January: Materials remain purchased, and a trip remain planned to a beach where seawater can stay collected.
  • February: a pilot test remain done to prove that things stay working well.
  • February-May: crops and irrigations begin.

May: the data remain processed, which can stay photographs of the plants’ growth each week, size of the plants, the color of the plants, how many seeds germinated, other aspects that can remain measured.

8. Establish the Budget and Costs of the Investigation

Now most investigations, we need materials and resources to carry out the activities. In cases where support remain requested, the materials must stay presented broken down and cost much.

In the investigation of plants irrigated with seawater, you have to buy the containers for sowing, the soil or compost, the seeds or the plants, travel to a beach to collect the seawater.

9. Write the research project

Once we take all the information, we can write the research project, following our institution’s regulations.

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What kind of Job Interview for Journalist

What kind of Job Interview for Journalist

Job Interview for Journalist

Do you have a job interview for a journalist? If you have been summoned for an interview in this profession. You should know what a journalist’s job interview is like. Today, with the rise of labour intrusion in this profession, you have to consider a series. Of tips for the journalist interview to achieve the best results.

When preparing the Curriculum and facing the job interview for a journalist. You have to be aware of the new field journalism develops. Along with the corresponding university degree. Having training in the digital landscape (SEO, analytics, web development …) or skills with social networks will earn you points today. Also, don’t forget to talk about your experience. Even if they are beneficial or small collaborations, the practice says a lot in this profession.

Below we offer you a series of questions about the{ job interview} for a journalist. And their answers so that you can prepare it.

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Frequently asked questions in the Interview for Journalist and Possible Answers

The journalist job interview questions will especially focus on your experience, ambitions, and specific knowledge, especially in the digital field. Recruiters are looking for journalists with a desire to work, vocation, and a thorough understanding of the web. Along with these types of questions in the interview for a journalist, you will likely be given a current test. And a short job interview in English to determine your degrees of knowledge.

Tips for the Job Interview for Journalist

In the job interview for a{ journalist}, the interviewers look for a person with good communication skills. Active, curious, and knowledgeable of what is happening around him. Therefore, when attending the journalist interview, you must show your skills. And techniques when expressing yourself in the world of communication. Be confident and highlight your skills as a 2.0 journalist.

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What is Marketing Tactics? And its Uses?

What is Marketing Tactics? And its Uses?

Marketing Tactics

They indicate how to execute the chosen commercial strategy, at the same time that they allow the customer to get closer to the company.

Sale promotion

First, Sales promotion is the tactic of temporarily offering the customer advantage. Its importance is obvious when you consider that simply displaying a product in a store window can increase its sale by 600 per cent.

Types of sales promotion:

1 Sampling

2 Discounts to distributors

3 Price promotion

4 Awards

5 Contests and lotteries

6 Refund offers

7 Packages on offer

8 Coupons and plans that reward continuity

9 Exhibitors at points of sale

10 Participation in trade shows

Next, Each of these tactics has its cost. Therefore, it is essential to examine which is the most beneficial for a particular product or service in a given situation. Thus, the company’s resources should be concentrated to achieve better results in the strategy’s execution.

Sales promotion tactics are especially helpful for:

  1. Introducing a new product.
  2. Once additional sales increase during periods of strong competition.


Moreover, Advertising is the tactic that aims to stimulate demand for the advertiser’s products through the media. Also, Its main objective is to make the product or service known in the market and present it in the most encouraging way possible concerning its effects.

Other possible targets are:

  1. Stimulate primary demand for the product or service
  2. Introduce new or unknown advantages or qualities
  3. Modify the importance given to any of the qualities of the product or service
  4. Altering the way of perceiving the product or service
  5. Modify the way of perceiving products or services of the competition

Personal sale

In Fact, It is the process in which the salesperson tries to convince the client of the benefits they will obtain with a certain product or service. In the sale, there must be a benefit for both the customer and the salesperson.

Than, Elaborate face-to-face sales tactics should address:

  1. Recruiting, rewards and preparing a sales team.
  2. The consignment of exclusive or non-exclusive transactions areas.
  3. The stimuli so that the performance of the commercial is maximum.

Advantages of personal selling:

Also, More flexibility since the salesperson can adapt the presentation of what he sells to the client’s needs, behaviours, and interests in each specific case.

  1. Immediate customer response, which allows the presentation to be adapted to the specific demand
  2. Immediate income or sales.
  3. Provision of additional services taking advantage of the sales visit.


As well as, Merchandising is the set of tactics carried out to influence the purchaser’s purchasing decisions when it is in front or within the sale point.

Although, it can be applied to each interior and exterior corner of the establishment, to each space where the customer’s eye reaches:

  1.  In graphics or colour
  2. The value of the surface, the situation of doors and corridors, the condition of the departments or product group
  3. In the exhibition of the product and decorative elements
  4. By dealing with the public
  5. In the rest areas
  6. On business cards, letters, promotional prints
  7. On product labels, etc.

Similarly,  You have to realize that everything has its value, and it has to be profitable. The main effect to be obtained on sales is to sell more with fewer expenses. Also, All merchandising tactic is based on psychology and makes the visitor become a customer.

Merchandising elements :

1 Attention: Good service at a point of sale will result in excellent benefits in selling a product. It is necessary to have a trained staff oriented to the total satisfaction of the consumer.

2 Decoration: A good decoration of the point of sale so that it is more attractive encourages customers to visit the facilities and worry about knowing what remain being sold there. For example, many times, people leave restaurants because the lighting was bad, the colours on the walls conveyed desolation, or there were no striking paintings to look at.

3 Placement: It is very useful to place the products at the points of sale, so that:

  • They are located by “families” and well ordered.
  • The amounts reach everyone who wants to buy the product.
  • They are easily acquired and accessible.

Furthermore, There is adequate space to walk within the establishment to avoid inconvenience to customers.

4 Prices: A good pricing policy for consumers. All customers are constantly looking for the lowest price for the same product that can be found in various parts.

5 Guarantee: The guarantee that an item has will make it be purchased with greater confidence.

Types of Merchandising :

1 Organization :

1 Determination of the most suitable and appropriate place at the point of sale.

2 We are structuring the space by product families.

2 Management :

1 Determination of the linear size of each section.

2 Linear distribution in families.

3 Know the product rotation.

4 Know the profitability of the linear meter.

5 Finally, Comparative analysis between brands and product families.

3 Animation: Create attractive sections.

Although, The file can be a computerized database or a manual file with classic cardboard cards or paper sheets. In any case, to be useful, it must remained permanently updated, transferring any changes as they occur.

As well as, The usefulness of this file is based on the fact that it simplifies the functions of:

1 Control if the settlements are adjusted to the agreed

2 Know which is the cheapest customer

3 Periodically check if the company is meeting its commitments

Sometimes,  calculate the benefit that each client obtains from the company

What is Social Media Management

What is Social Media Management

Social Media Management

SMM, essential today Viral Marketing, positions an idea, a brand, a product

Agency for the management of Social Networks in a professional way

From Dobuss, we want to offer you the control of the Social Media Strategy you need for your brand or company. We create profiles or fan pages and maintain relationships with your users or clients from a successful Community Management.

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Experts in the Management of Social Networks for Companies

There are some facts you should know to weigh the strength of what we tell you

Although, the number of users opening the Internet is 4 million more than the previous year (data recorded in January 2019), representing 93% of the population. Of these users, about 70% use social networks daily basis.

Likewise, Facebook continues to be the Social Link with the highest number of users per day, representing 82% of the Spanish population.

Moreover, WhatsApp is the favourite messaging system for Spaniards, being used by 87% of the population. Its professional version WhatsApp Business has meant significant growth for the application focused on the business field.

Instagram: The most visual, interactive and fashionable network, it is used by 54% of Spaniards, representing mainly the younger public (between 15 and 35 years old).

LinkedIn: The professional network par excellence grows by leaps and bounds, becoming the favourite for users and companies. Although there are already more than 11 million LinkedIn profiles between users and company profiles.

As well as, Twitter, the communication, news and personal brand network, is used by 49% of Spanish Internet users.

YouTube is the favourite audiovisual content network of the Spanish. 85% of our population uses it daily.

The popularity of social media has skyrocketed since the advent of online social networks. Most people will have at least one social media account, while others may have an account in all of them. Moreover, businesses of all sizes have realized the benefits of social media for getting their products out on the market, giving even the smallest company a voice.

Navigating through the sea of online apps and platforms could be daunting to someone without the necessary experience, but this is where a social media manager would step in. The manager knows the ins and outs of online marketing and will be able to advise on every aspect to be covered.
When using a reputable social media manager, businesses can rest assured that they will witness an excellent improvement in their turnover and customer engagement and significant returns on their investment.

Brand Supervision

Similarly, We can help you improve and track your business reputation and recognize how people identify your trademark. Click here to register your trademark.

Social Media Contests

Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest content can grow your traffic flow in a short amount of time. Our experts can help you determine the right type of content and display place for your variety.

Social Media Administration

Furthermore, Our team of social media specialists can achieve your accounts on your behalf and participate with your audience. saving you valuable time to focus on more important projects.

Configuration and Profiling

We create and personalize social media profiles with quality content and aesthetics that resonate with your brand and audience. When customers resonate with a brand, they are more likely to invest their time and money into the product or service.

Design of Advertising Strategies and Campaigns

Besides, We develop the appropriate strategy according to your business objectives, designing advertising campaigns adapted to the money you want to invest, the audience you want to reach, and the milestones set.


Social media management has various components and does not rest on putting up a new post. Before a social media campaign is deemed successful, there are some complexities to understand and incorporate. Thus, finding the right social media manager for your business is essential to creating a solid presence online.

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