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Digital advertising: everything you need to know about email marketing

Digital advertising: everything you need to know about email marketing

Digital advertising: everything you need to know about email marketing – Digital advertising is taking the focal point of every business. Successful delivery of promotional content to potential customers and those who already are the customers can determine whether the brand will live up to expectations and grow, or whether the audience will lose their interest. One of the key tasks of digital advertising is to make your business more general. By this, we mean that it needs to be brought closer to the audience. Digital marketing, especially email marketing, has turned out to be very efficient. And as a great tool, as it is, we believe that there are things you need to know about email marketing and that you will find useful reading more about it.

Generating new business

Although the concept of email marketing is not new, it seems that not many businesses use all of its perks. The truth is that if email marketing is done correctly, you can expect to see a constant increase in the number of customers. However, there is another fact which says that most business owners do not focus on important things and rather lose their energy on some completely unimportant tasks. But to be able to generate new business you will need to stick to some rules and have certain email marketing metrics on your mind.

Namely, the first metric is the so-called open rate which is generally the percentage of potential customers who open emails. From there we shift our focus on the second metrics – response rate in which we classify those who actually respond to emails and then finally the conversion rate. Here we calculate the percentage based on the number of those who decide to buy a product based on the email.

Don’t take shortcuts with email marketing

If you own a business and you are looking for ways to boost it, you’ve probably figured so far that email marketing is your great ally. On the other hand, if you think that email marketing is just about sending some random emails with several products, then you’ve missed the whole point. When doing serious business, you’ve got to be fully concentrated. Through digital marketing, you can let the customers on your list know about new products, what services you can offer them. Also, you can inform them about any upcoming discounts and make them have your products always on your mind. But if you mean to be successful then you will need to be thorough and never take shortcuts. You may achieve some success, but rest assured it will always be at the expense of the quality of the product.

What is email marketing good for?

We have already mentioned some basics of email marketing. So far you could learn that the main mission of email marketing is to let people know about the product. And just like it is useful to know how to promote your content on the Internet, it is of extreme importance to know how to set a good email campaign. The list of benefits linked to successful email marketing wouldn’t be completed if we don’t mention the following:

  • Promoting products and services via email
  • Building relationship between customers
  • It is a vital part of every marketing strategy

If you manage to follow all the steps, you will most probably have a very successful digital campaign. Namely, one of the best aspects of email marketing is that you can deliver the content in a personalized manner.

Make a product more approachable

When it comes to selling products, the secret is to make them easy to buy. This implies helping prospects decide easier to give you money. Building eye-catching content starts by using the appropriate tools for creating winning campaigns . Not only will it make your content more beautiful but it will make it much easier for you to control the flow of the campaign. This is especially important with email and ppc campaigns. Attracting and keeping your viewers attention is the golden standard in this industry.

The whole idea behind making the product more approachable was also to create easier communication with customers. Researches have shown that customers gladly reach out to customer support in case they need assistance. They will stick around if the support turns out to be of use.

Focus on customers’ needs

One of the biggest mistakes when doing business is overcomplicating things. It is high time to understand that too formal and cold approach in creating emails only draws back your potential customers from clicking on the email. Therefore, the first impression is of extreme importance. Remember, they will take a decisive step towards buying a product only if they are convinced that the product will benefit them. And you can only do it if you know what your customers want. And this is where marketing and target group analyses become quintessential.

Keep information clear and concise

Nobody likes reading too long emails. Especially not those that are not particularly appealing. Think about strategies to present the product or your company in a clear manner. Keep it clean and do not complicate the message as that may cost you some customers. Most importantly, make sure to transfer the message interestingly and uniquely. A general rule is that reading the email shouldn’t last longer than two, three minutes maximum.

Call to action to finish an email

This step is the perfect way to finish and make a point. It will grab your reader’s attention and inspire them to take the action that you specifically stated. In case you do it properly, it may increase your open rate. However, the ultimate task of a call to action is making the reader click on the link that leads to your webpage.

Should we sum up email marketing in a few simple words, we would say that it is an excellent way to remove barriers to buying. All efforts are aimed towards making a prospect easier to become a customer. And while there are tons of other things you need to know about email marketing, this perfectly sums up the major concept. If you don’t make the product accessible to buy, then there is no point doing marketing in the first place. Go step by step until you get the whole idea about what customers actually want and how to achieve that goal.

How to make a Free Webinar: YouTube can be your Best Ally

How to make a Free Webinar: YouTube can be your Best Ally

Free Webinar

We don’t say anything new if we talk about the importance of generating quality content. And we are not going to surprise you if we say that the most consumed content today is in video format.

Have you thought about taking advantage of this video content consumption and creating a webinar in your company? Throughout this post, I will tell you how to make a free webinar and take advantage of everything YouTube can offer you in this field. Do not miss it!

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What is a Webinar, and why incorporate it into your Content Strategy?

Before getting into the subject, you should know what a webinar is. It is true that, today, this word is on everyone’s lips and who more or less has signed up for a webinar. But what is it?

A webinar is a marketing tool whose purpose is to hold a conference, a seminar or a workshop, all delivered through an internet platform.

The great particularity of this tool is that the users attending the webinar can interact with the company that carries it out by asking live questions that solve any of its main pains. Webinars are usually live, although they may be recorded for later broadcast in many cases.

Given the great acceptance of webinars, it is important to keep them in mind to include them in your marketing strategy, but what other reasons can lead you to opt for this well-known tool?

It helps you offer added value to your followers.

A webinar allows you to spread your ideas, products or services in a different way beyond self-promotional content. This is the best way to offer that added value so differentiating in companies.

It allows improving trust with the user and the credibility of the brand.

This is important to put a face to a company even through the screen, and nothing better than doing it live to convey even greater security to the viewer.

It is a way to retain the user who already follows you on other social channels. Also, if you do webinars repeatedly, you can create a closer relationship with your followers.

It helps you test your audience’s needs or what doubts your audience has thanks to the live chat option mentioned earlier. This will help you create more personalized content focused on the doubts of your buyer persona.

The webinar’s impact can be measured in a simple way. So you will know if it is meeting the planned objectives or not.

It allows you to capture new quality leads without making a high financial investment.

If there is a KW and optimization strategy behind the webinar, it can bring you traffic and leads. To achieve this goal, it is important to work well on SEO in all the videos you share. You can see more information about video optimization at the following link.

It is a resource that stays on YouTube and the Internet. Therefore, the benefits are perceived at the time of the webinar and in the long term since it can continue to be used in the future.

Why YouTube? Platform benefits

Once it is clear what a webinar is and what benefits it can bring you. It is important to think on which platform you will broadcast your webinar. There are many platforms at your fingertips, but I want to focus on YouTube in this article.

The potential reach of this platform is great, and it is growing day by day. The latest studies affirm that there are more than 2 billion active users per month and 30 million active users per day. So the visibility it can give us as a brand grows exponentially. Besides, it is present in 91 countries and translated into 80 languages.

In terms of use, it is also a platform that is improving year after year. It has more than 5 billion views and shares per day, and it is the second most visited site in the world.

Finally, Google hopes that YouTube will be its next growth engine. So if one of the largest companies in the world is confident in its potential, how can you not?

In addition to these data, you should know that YouTube also stands out for offering another series of advantages for your marketing strategy :

Help to improve the positioning of your company. Running a channel regularly, uploading well-cared videos. With quality content is the key to beating your competition in terms of organic positioning. It is important to work well on the videos’ positioning since this will make them reach another level of quality and visits.

The videos uploaded to your YouTube channel will help attract more traffic to your website and, therefore, improve your visibility.

It helps segment videos in such a way that you can better target your target audience.

Finally, in addition to all the benefits it can bring, creating a webinar on YouTube can be very simple. This is another incentive to opt for this communicative channel for publicizing your videos and webinars.

Also read: Webinar: What is it, and How to use it in your Content Strategy?

Types of Written Content that Generate Engagement

Types of Written Content that Generate Engagement

Content that Generate Engagement

We all already know the importance of content marketing to achieve. A good relationship between our business and its online community. It is one of the most effective inward bound strategies to build loyalty in the medium and long term.

If you have not yet achieved results with your strategy, it is possible that you are not dedicating all the necessary time to the texts or that you are not taking full advantage of your top content.

Think that you can give each of your brand messages a lot of life by applying good copywriting practices and, besides, you will be able to play with different formats depending on how you disseminate them on digital channels such as:

  • Your blog or website.
  • A recruitment landing page.
  • The blog of a third party.
  • Social networks.
  • A mailing or newsletter.
  • Different forums or newscasts .

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Types of Textual Content to Attract with your Posts

Now that we have located ourselves, I want to announce that in this post, I will give you up to 12 different types of content or texts that you can share through the two online communication channels par excellence; social networks and the website.

What kind of Texts can you Spread on Social Networks?

Let’s start by looking at some instances of textual content that you can spread on your social profiles or those of your business, taking into account that each platform supports different types.

Next, I leave you with four types of texts that you can accompany with original headlines, messages full of persuasive words, and other audiovisual content formats, thus capture the attention of your social community.

1  Excerpt

Using a small excerpt in your publications’ text message will be a very useful option if you follow a social media strategy to share corporate or brand content.

The content of this type of posts and being focused on the public present in the social network in question.

Convey in a summarized way the main information of the publication.

Present the post in an attractive way to attract public interest.

Leave open a question that triggers a call to action.

2 Mention

Some social networks do not tolerate you including many contents in each publication, which has recently extended the character limitations and leaves us with a very limited space to write.

On Instagram or Pinterest, although we do not have this limitation, the image is the main protagonist, so the text remains in the background with the mere function of describing what we show.

3 Storytelling

Many analyzes of users’ behaviour in social networks have shown. That they are attracted to both audiovisual content and stories, that add value and new points of view.

We use this type of written content effectively in humanizing a brand through a fan page, networking on LinkedIn, and even enhancing personal branding on a particular Instagram account.

There is no kind of rule or secret here. It only seeks to connect with users through everyday situations that lead them to empathize.

 4 Reflection

Since not long ago, Facebook has allowed us through our profile. To share our thoughts through publications with very colourful filters.

Instagram, for its part, allows us to share “stories” that lead to reflection through yes or no questions.

These options for personal profiles allow us to throw questions on the air .That generate some debate and. Therefore, enhance our social interactions. Why not apply it to company pages too?

What Types of Texts to Share on a Website or Blog?

Although social networks increasingly more options to share. Our stories and brand messages with less limitation, nothing like having a blog or a website to get the moisture. Different audiovisual formats come to mind to encourage interaction with your visitors. What if I also expressed you that your web texts can give you a lot of play?t out of all kinds of content.

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What is Branding? And How to use it?

What is Branding? And How to use it?

Branding defines and builds a brand through planned management of all graphic processes, communication, and positioning.

The global management of all the noticeable and intangible elements surrounding the brand to construct and transmit a promise that determination be key.

These include the corporate image, corporate colours, corporate identity, and style standards used in overall company communication.Although, all these actions inspire and determine the  Brand’s Importance, achieving its distinctive, relevant, and sustainable character over time. The objective of developing a  successful branding will be to extend the brand in the market, position it as a benchmark and place it in consumers’ minds directly or indirectly.

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Branding is Made up of Five Elements:

  1. Naming or creation of a name
  2. Corporate identity
  3. Positioning
  4. Brand loyalty
  5. Brand architecture

Why is Branding Important?

To first know what branding is, we have to understand what an organization’s brand means. The brand is what differentiates us from the opposition. It must be understood that the brand is more than just a name. Although, It is the seal, an identifying symbol, and the spirit of the company.Similarly, through the brand, users perceive a valid image in terms of quality, reliability, and uniqueness.

Competition between companies is increasing, products are increasingly similar, and the corporation must know how to differentiate itself in a perfectly competitive market. Thus, the key to business is branding: the brand’s power as a differentiating element. Similarly, this difference remain reflected in its intangible part, which is its value, credibility, and exclusivity of its brand. Also, a company’s brand expresses a story, an experience on the client’s part, transmitting an emotion.

Branding has become a necessary element for any company because it can strengthen the brand and get prestige and recognition, especially in digital communication platforms.

Which Action Plan Should be Followed?

The main objective of branding is to extend its brand in the market, position it and place it in consumers’ minds.

To do this, you must start by designing a marketing plan, which specifies the actions that will remain carried out to publicize the brand, considering its design and the channels to promote it. A good branding strategy costs some concepts that must remain developed to visualize our products or services and think about them. Among them are:

Highlight the values ​​of a brand at all times.

  • Build credibility and trust.
  • Strengthen the identity of your products or facilities.

Differentiate yourself from the competition

The communication strategy to remain developed must revolve around the strategic plan that has previously been designed.

Visual Elements of the Brand

They remain the graphic representations of a company projected to the public through a symbol or a special typographic design.

The logo is the name of the company and should fit the spirit of the company. Our brand must convey what the company remain, and without a good brand, the branding that remain carried out will not work. Both factors must fit together to achieve the proposed objective.

  • The logo and symbol constitute the company’s identity and, between the two, make up its physical personality.
  • The typography is an element of visual identification, which distinguishes the company from the market.

The communicative name is the name by which the company remain recognized, it is usually different from the legal name, and it usually begins with creating the logo.

Also, the product category we produce must remain taken into account.  Also, a good choice of colour allows us to attract the consumer’s attention, give personality, differentiation. And manage to position our product.

What Types of Branding are there?

Personal branding or personal branding. It consists of working on each individual’s brand, and in our days, it has taken on quite a bit of strength.

Similarly, corporate Branding. We have talked about branding in the article, and it corresponds to branding focused on brands, that is, on companies.

Employer branding. In a new concept and refers to how to work the employee brand.

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The Difference Between Content Strategy vs Content Marketing?

The Difference Between Content Strategy vs Content Marketing?

Content Strategy vs Content Marketing

If you haven’t received the words “content promotion” in your agency in recent months, you were probably on vacation.

In the online business world, content marketing is fast becoming one of the most overused terms in the industry. There is no doubt that it is crucial, and I will not underestimate the enormous power of content marketing for business. Still, another term is just as important (or maybe more) that I do not hear that often: Content strategy.

But it is the same? The answer is no! The content strategy consists of many parts, while content marketing is one of its parts.

Understanding the differences between content marketing and content strategy and planning how they should work simultaneously is one of the most important things you can do to help the digital side of your business.

Let’s take a closer look at how these terms differ and how they complement each other.

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What is Content Strategy?

Think of the plans to build a house. The programs are extremely detailed and show all aspects of construction long before a stone is moved. These maps accurately detail the measurements, where the cables and plumbing should be, the doors, windows and many other things.

A content strategy is essentially the blueprints of a business that outline exactly how content should be used internally and externally to achieve business objectives. A great content strategy answers any questions about content like:

  • Why should the content be published?
  • Where will we publish the content?
  • When should we publish the content?
  • Who do we want to see it?
  • What reactions do we expect the public to have?
  • What do we do with the content after it is published?

Since we have these questions answered, it’s time to get even more precise with questions like:

  • What types of content do our audiences need or want?
  • How should we organize and structure the content?
  • Who should publish and maintain the content?
  • How often should the content be published?
  • How does the public find and interact with the content?

The above is a small part of what to do when creating a content strategy. This process requires time, research, and strategic planning. If you have a great content strategy, you will know perfectly what, why, and how your business plans to use the content to reach its objectives.

It is also important that you know that the content strategy you used last year should not be used this year. Although it may save you time by not changing your content strategy, not changing it can make it ineffective as it is not adapting to your audience’s needs.

Rework your content strategy every year and make adjustments when necessary, no exceptions.

 What is Content Marketing

On the other hand, what is Content Marketing is typically a sales approach that serves to attract and retain customers through the creation and delivery of relevant and meaningful content. It is essentially a combination of organic marketing and sales techniques. The trick is to mask your efforts enough so that your customers don’t know you are selling to them but rather feel like they are getting informed. In content marketing, you define specific audiences that you want to send content to, and once they start consuming it, you can begin to mould the content so that the audience becomes customers.

Content marketing pieces are blog articles, white papers, case studies, public relations, social media marketing, inbound marketing, PPC, SEO, among others.

So what is the difference between this and a content strategy? Content marketing is simply an appendage to your content strategy, as it only focuses on creating, measuring, and publishing pieces of content for specific audiences. Is it specifically the Why? Your strategy and what attracts your competition.

Good content marketing can only be at its best if there is a good content strategy behind it. In other words, your content strategy focuses on the “Why?” use of the content, and also in the “Where?” and in the “What?”

Going back to the house plan analogy, you never build a house’s walls and roofs without a plan first. It is the same with content marketing, and it only works if you have a great content strategy that supports it. This support helps align branding, message, and content marketing aspects to focus on your business objectives before marketing.

Beware of the Temptation to be Lazy

Unfortunately, due to the long time, it takes to create a good content strategy, many people completely skip this step and focus solely on content marketing (the fun thing). Although concentrating on content marketing can bring you some isolated successes, it will most likely have a much smaller impact than you could achieve if you had measured how the content would be used in each aspect of your business and how it was going to be implemented. In essence, you would be betting everything on your creative side and leaving your strategic side aside.

I’m sure it’s tempting to post content on your website, show it off to the masses, and feel like you’re doing something smart, but you’re not just creating content for the sake of creating content. Create purposeful content aligned with your business goals and designed to produce a calculated response. It is the way to make your content efforts pay off.


A solid content strategy (coupled with good content marketing) is one of the best tools your business has to maximize its digital reach. Make sure the basics of your content strategy are well planned before launching your content marketing.

Make the most of this year by operational on your content strategy as soon as possible. By doing this, your content will serve better purposes and produce measurable results. You will be surprised what your content marketing can do when founded on a solid content strategy.

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What is Planning Concepts? And How do we use it?

What is Planning Concepts? And How do we use it?

The following describes the terminology used in Planning to explain commonly used objects and concepts:

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In Planning, projects remained the top-level items containing all the work done on a given media plan or set of related campaigns. A project proposal example has goals, a budget, start and end dates, and much inventory that you stay interested in purchasing.


In a project, the plan is intended to capture the list of sites you intend to acquire from the publishers you purchase inventory.


Like Campaign Manager 360, placement is the media inventory of a website, app, or video where your ad appears. It represents a series of specifications regarding technological compatibility, size, and cost and quantity models.


Inventory is the collection of locations that can be purchased. The Inventory is typically added to Planning when a publisher responds to a Request for Proposal (RFP) that a Planning user submits. Additionally, users can add inventory directly in planning or import placements from a linked Campaign Manager 360 campaign.

Inventory Providers

Inventory providers, such as publishers, have ad space to sell on their websites, mobile apps, or video content. It providers can enter Planning to supply inventory to media buyers and negotiate on requests for proposals. More information on the negotiations

Request for Proposal (RFP)

A request for proposal (RFP) remain a file sent to inventory providers to request media (that is, advertising space) to purchase for advertising purposes. Many inventory providers, such as publishers, only provide inventory to buyers after receiving an RFP.

You can use the Planning RFP section to request inventory from publishers and negotiate with them for the merchandise they offer. More information on how to create RFPs


When you’ve submitted an RFP to an inventory vendor, your responses will appear on the Negotiation page. On that page, you can review your offers and make counteroffers. More information on the negotiations


Once you have selected the media you want to publish, you can send it to Campaign Manager 360 to run it in one or more campaigns on this platform. The process of carrying out a plan in Campaign Manager 360 remain called “execution.” Media remain delivered to Campaign Manager 360 campaigns through an execution channel, which links to a specific Campaign Manager 360 campaign created in Schedule. Execution channels represent the highest-level link between Planning and Campaign Manager 360 and allow you to specify how Planning media properties remained mapped to Campaign Manager 360 sites.

When you link a plan to a Campaign Manager 360 campaign, you can send Media from Planning to Campaign Manager 360. Also, if any placement is modified or added directly in Campaign Manager 360, you can synchronize and reconcile planning changes.


Some means must remained insured; To do this, a seller and a buyer must sign an order, a document that can be generated and posted in Planning. An order can contain information such as the buyer and seller contacts and the terms and conditions of the contract. Insertion orders can secure new campaigns. Additionally, rankings can remain updated to reflect actual quantities delivered.

Score Cards

A scorecard remain a summary of the main statistics associated with a plan. These cards are available in the Plan, Inventory, Trade, and Executions views. The estimated statistics shown are from the calculations you provide when adding inventory.

In addition to the scorecards provided by default, you can select items in any of the four views in which they appear and compare their statistics with those of the plan as a whole.

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How to Schedule Posts on Instagram: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Schedule Posts on Instagram: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this blog, you will find the necessary steps to publish content and schedule posts on Instagram from Hootsuite.

Ok, team, we were almost in 2020, and this means that knowing how to schedule posts on Instagram is not only a plus but a non-negotiable skill.

Whether you have a business account, a creator account, or are developing your brand, using a tool to schedule your Instagram posts is one of the best ways to reclaim your time and creativity.

This article will walk you through the steps and best practices for all three types of Instagram accounts. In this way, you can see the concentration on what matters most to your company.

Table of Contents

Five benefits of scheduling your posts on Instagram

How to schedule posts on Instagram if you have a business account

Also read : What is a Pillar Page? And How it Impacts SEO?

Five Benefits you will get when Scheduling your Posts on Instagram

1. You save your Precious Time

Your secure calendar is already packed with activities. Instead of having to constantly interrupt your workday to schedule your next Post – and have to do this every day, at a time that works best for your audience – a scheduling tool allows you to plan.

Set aside a few hours at the beginning of each week to gather all the visual assets that accompany your posts. Also, use this time to write effective copy for each of them. Then upload all this content to your social media calendar. Now you can relax knowing that this content will reach your followers at the exact moment.

2. Perfect your Aesthetics

On Instagram, more than on any other social network, brands go out of their way to create a strong image. It doesn’t trouble if you are an influencer living on the beach or a startup focused on cutting edge technology. Your posts’ colour, composition, and tone need to feel genuine and so unique that they are immediately recognizable.

Of course, easier said than done.

By putting together multiple posts in the same batch, it will be much easier to maintain a consistent look for your brand. Besides, by viewing the publications on your calendar, it will be easier for you to identify when any of them present an off-brand aesthetic before you publish it. It generates a negative impact on your interactions.

3. Stop Switching Between Screens

You may think that I am an “old millennial”, but sometimes working on a single computer is easier. Especially when the videographer decided to pass the videos to you in .zip and the celebrity you are working with only approved two of the twenty-four photos (which were almost identical) from the shoot.

A scheduling tool for Instagram lets you drag and drop your visual assets directly from your desktop onto your calendar. It’s easier to identify those misspellings and typos on a single screen.

4. Get more Followers

Every time you post on Instagram, you increase your brand’s visibility, both for your existing followers and potential followers. Each Post has the potential to go viral and could even appear on Instagram’s Explore tab. At the very least, people will find your profile thanks to the hashtags you include.

Scheduling your posts in advance is a humble trick that will benefit your Instagram hashtag strategy. If you always use the same thirty (and irrelevant) hashtags in all your posts, this will not earn you points with the algorithm. However, with an Instagram scheduling tool, you can adjust your tactics in advance.

5. Increase your Interactions.

Don’t ignore your followers. Give them what they want.

One of the modest and most effective ways to get more likes on Instagram is by posting when your followers are online. Of course, if your statistics indicate that your followers are in Japan or New Zealand, they likely connect at a time that is not convenient for you (if you want to achieve a balance between your work and personal life).

It is where scheduling tools come in to save the day.

Let’s see what you have to do exactly to schedule your posts on Instagram. We have a certain preference for Hootsuite, of course, so this is the tool we’ll show you how to use next:

How to Schedule Posts on Instagram if you have a Business Profile

If you are a retailer, have a local business, brand, organization, or service provider, you probably already have a business profile on Instagram.

Step 1: Change your Instagram Account to a Business Profile

Even more important, this is the only type of account on Instagram that allows you to publish and schedule posts directly from Hootsuite.

To change your account, open the Instagram app on your phone and follow these steps:

Click on the hamburger icon.

Select the Settings option.

Click Account.

Select Switch to the business account.

Select the Company option and follow the instructions.

Take into account that you will have to connect your Instagram account to your Business Page on Facebook to complete the process.

Step 2: Add Your Business Profile on Instagram to your Social Media Management Platform

If you’re using Hootsuite, it’s pretty easy to link to your Instagram account.

Click on your profile icon in the superior right corner.

Select Manage social networks.

Click + Private Network in the lower-left corner of the dashboard to add Instagram.

Or, if you’re part of a larger team: Click the Manage option next to your organization’s name and click Add Social Network or Add Shared Network to add this profile to an organization.

Select Instagram and then click Connect to Instagram.

Enter the details to log into your account.

To enable direct publishing, you will also need to add the Facebook page associated with your account to Hootsuite.

If you need more details on how to set up your profile, check out this article.

Step 3: Compose your Posts

Now comes the fun part.

Click New Post and select Instagram from the list that appears.

Upload your photo or videotape (you can also crop, add filters, and edit them in Hootsuite).

Write an attractive description for your Post.

Add hashtags, tags, and location.

Review your Post in the window that appears on the right side.

Step 4: Schedule your Post

When you click the Schedule for later option (instead of choosing Post Now ), you can select the day and time you want to post.

The Hootsuite scheduling tool automatically suggests the best time to post for you. However, to better understand the habits of your audience, you can use Instagram statistics.

Pro tip: Don’t miss our awesome complete article with the best times to publish according to your industry.

Step 5: Wait for your Publication to Appear on Instagram

That’s all! Welcome to the world of Instagram programming.

How to schedule posts on Instagram if you have a personal account

Not everyone has or needs a business profile on Instagram. If your presence on Instagram is more about connecting with your audience, rather than strict metrics like conversions and clicks, this is a good reason not to use a business profile.

(Currently, Instagram already has a third option: the creator account, which we will cover in the next section.)

If you have a personal account, the Instagram API will not allow you to publish the posts that you have scheduled directly, so we will show you how to configure a workflow with mobile notifications.

It means that after assembling your posts, you need to schedule a reminder via push notification. When it’s time to post, you’ll receive an alert on your phone to remind you to click the “post” button.

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What are Public Relations? And its Benefits?

What are Public Relations? And its Benefits?

Public relations (often abbreviated as PR) remain a certain type of corporate communications that, coordinated and sustained over time, seek to strengthen the strategic links between a company or organization and its stakeholders.

In other words, it is communication management that seeks to maintain the relationships between the organization and its external interlocutors in the best possible state. Doing this provides them with information, exchange opportunities, and fosters the so-called loyalty (preferential client relationship).

similarly, Public relations constitute a set of strategies of different types. Its objective is to promote, sell, promote, or make its interests known to its clientele and the general public in a planned way. Therefore, he uses techniques and concepts typical of marketing and design and sociology, psychology, politics, and journalism.

Public relations is also a self-contained discipline and field of study. The Austrian-American publicist and inventor Edward Bernays (1891-1995) invented them in the early 1900s. Its importance during the Great Depression that began in 1929 was significant as a mechanism to claim business work and its contribution to the economic system.

Definition of Public Relations

According to some authors and scholars of the subject, we can define public relations as:

Although, A characteristic managerial function that helps establish and maintain lines of mutual communication, understanding, acceptance, and cooperation between an organization and its audiences; It involves the management of problems or issues, it helps managers stay informed and sensitive to public opinion; defines and emphasizes the responsibility of managers to serve the public interest; it helps managers stay ahead of changes and use them effectively, understanding them as a warning system to anticipate trends” (Rex Harlow).

The managerial function that establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization. And the public on which its success or failure depends” (Scott Cutlip and Allen Centre).

The administrative function that evaluates public attitudes identifies an organization’s policies. And procedures with the public interest and executes a program of action and communication to generate public understanding and acceptance” (John Marston).

Functions and Objectives of Public Relations

Public relations interests are very diverse and distinct, but we can roughly summarize them as follows:

Manage corporate or organizational identity. It means that PR ensures that the different departments of the company use the same language and project a unified image of it to the public. Which implies:

Management of external communications. In other words, everything that leaves the organization and remain consumed stay the client or the general public.

Management of internal communications. That is how the parts of the company communicate with each other.

Management of public opinion.  Such as press monitoring, strategic consultations, Internet and social media management, strategic marketing, etc.

Corporate social responsibility. Thus, the organization’s commitment to the community of which it remain a part stay known. Not only as a way of projecting a positive image of its work and its vision and mission. But also as a mechanism to give back to society part of the resources that the company obtains from it.

Although, Event organization. PR often achieve their objectives by producing and organizing various types of events, fairs, invitations, celebrations, etc.

Importance of Public Relations

Although, Public relations are an inseparable part of business and organizational practice today. Also,They can be a way of bringing companies closer to their public or a mechanism to “humanize” some large corporations whose operation is more like that of a machine.

Of course, this can involve ethically questionable work. Such as washing the face of companies whose economic activity is irresponsible or harmful. In other cases, it may be part of the communication strategies of a positive organization that would not otherwise be as well known and would not receive enough support and visibility.