Editorial Calendar: Learn How to Create yours from Scratch

Planning is essential in any marketing task, especially in content marketing, since consistency is crucial to maintaining our audience’s interest.

What is an Editorial Calendar?

The editorial calendar, also known as the content calendar, is a document that will state what you are going to publish, where it will be published when it will be published and who will be the person responsible for making that publication.

With this information, your content marketing strategy will be well planned and will allow you to publish it constantly and with a frequency appropriate to your audience’s needs.

With the editorial calendar, you will organize all your publications according to the significant dates for your sector. It will also be quite useful to achieve the objectives of your website through the content you publish.

You can create an editorial calendar for your website’s publications and another for the publications on social networks, so you will not miss anything, and you will have all your publications organized.

How to Create an Editorial Calendar?

I recommend you follow these steps to create your editorial calendar, so you will not overload yourself with tasks, and the publication process will be much easier.

1. Determine your Goals

For any marketing strategy, the first step is to determine the objectives, and in the creation of your editorial calendar, it could not be different.

It is useless to create content without a specific objective. It is not how content marketing works. Therefore, before starting, you must be clear about what you want to achieve with these publications.

Along with your objectives, you must correctly determine your buyer persona, so your goals will be easier to be achieved, and your results will be better.

2. Do an Annual Analysis

To create an editorial calendar, you have to do an annual analysis now that you are clear about your objective.

In this analysis, you should consider the important topics for each month of the year without neglecting your sector’s significant dates and the commemorative dates. This way, you will have updated content, always aware of your important audience things, which will help you create more engagement.

When doing your annual analysis, you don’t need to do very detailed planning. It can be superficial so that you don’t forget the important publications for each month of the year. You are going to put the details when you make your monthly plan.

3. Make a Monthly Plan

It is the part that will take you the most time. However, when done well, the results will be excellent.

At this stage, you should consider the publications you will make in the month. There is no specific number of monthly publications that you should do. It depends on your goal, your budget (whether in time or money) and your audience.

When doing this planning, you must remember that consistency is essential. That is why it is useless to publish ten articles in the first week and nothing for the rest of the month. You are better off posting for only two articles per week, but consistently.

Before determining the days that you will make the publications, analyze the days in which your blog has more traffic, so your content will be seen more, and you will educate your audience so that it continues to reach your blog these days.

When you have determined the number of posts scheduled for your blog, you must define the details each of your posts meant for the month. To find the topics you will publish, you should consult the annual analysis to fit the issues you determined.

Here is a post that can help you find topics for your other articles.

Once you have chosen the topics for the month, you should consider the following information for each of the pieces:

  • Date on which it will be published
  • Keyword.
  • Qualification.
  • Author.
  • Specific disinterested in the publication.
  • Size.
  • Platform.
  • CTA.
  • And the comments that you think are important about the article.

4. Make a Fortnightly or Weekly Planning

Biweekly or weekly, you will create the articles that will be published according to your monthly calendar. I recommend you to make a stock of essays, so if something unforeseen arises, you will not have to alter your editorial calendar that is already defined. Remember what I told you about constancy.